
My name is Chris and I run a web development company. For years, I've been building web applications for startups and established companies.
I've built systems for clients that generate earnings and passive revenue.
And I've been successful by most standards. I have more work available to me than I can take on. I charge more than most. I learn on the job and get paid well to do it. I control my hours, but I really don't.
The reality is I don't control my hours. Sure, I may control when I work them, but I still have to work them. That's not control. Sure, it's better than having to punch a clock every day at the same time but I still have to punch the clock.
And yet, over the years, I've helped my clients gain real control over their hours. They do less. They earn more. They earn passively.
But I haven't done the same for me. And the reason is simple: I haven't given myself the time because I'd already given it all to my clients.
I think at some point in your life, you have to question what you're doing with your time. And If the answer is making other people's dreams come true at the expense of pursuing yours, then it's probably time to change what you're doing.
While working on a project, I realized that I had learned everything I hoped to learn in web development. I had done everything I set to accomplish. I had already accomplished that dream, but at the expense of pursuing my bigger dreams.
What was worse, my plan was to continue to do that.
So I decided to do something about it. I decided I was finally going to do the project I've been dreaming of doing for years.
That's right, it's AcquiringDreams.com.
Please, join me on my adventure. I'll be documentating everything I find and learn along the way so you can acquire your dreams too.